Request for Proposal: Condos, Townhomes, and Other Communities

Thank you for your interest in a proposal from Inspire Property Management. The more information you provide, the better we will be able to respond with a proposal that includes the services you value most.

Please let us know how you heard about us.
Are you on the strata council or board of directors?(Required)
Have you spoken to one of our staff before completing this form?
Property Type(Required)
Are you part of a phased strata plan?
Example: The Owners, Strata Plan EPS9876
The building name or name on signage
Property Address(Required)


Please note that our pricing is not directly related to the number of units in the community. Most of our pricing will be based on the cost of our time for an ordinary month of service. But, certain costs, like software licensing, banking, and time to implement strata fees changes, will change based on the number of units in the community.
Bare Land(Required)

Types of Services

Please indicate the types of services you are most interested in having us propose. If you are unsure, let us know in the notes at the end of this form.

Financial Services

Financial services includes general bookkeeping, accounts payable, accounts receivable, bank reconciliations, monthly reporting, and more. Nearly all clients in a strata plan greater than 5 units select this service.
Financial Services(Required)


Meetings may be included or excluded from any type of agreement we offer. Meetings that are included will be included at a discount compared to extra meetings or meetings that are excluded from the agreement. So, you should include as many meetings that you expect to have, but should not overestimate so you don't pay for meetings you won't need.

If preparation of minutes is included in the agreement, the service will be provided at discount versus minutes we are requested to prepare for an excluded or extra meeting. In other words, council may continue to prepare their own minutes to save on cost or have us prepare minutes if that is a service valued by the strata council.

Nearly all strata plans greater than 5 units will have us attend at least quarterly council meetings plus the annual general meeting.

Meetings includes attendance at meetings, preparation of notices of meetings, and distribution of minutes.

Administration & Operations

Administration includes record keeping, writing letters, making requests for proposals, coordinating maintenance, and more.

We offer flat rate agreements, where nearly all ordinary requests and directions are included as part of the monthly fee. This service is most most popular with strata plans greater than 20 units.

We can also offer these services with a set allotment of time. This allows strata council's who are very active and hands on to only use our services when needed. This service allows smaller strata plans to get the help they need, without having to pay for the "full package". Nearly all strata plans smaller than 20 units select this service.

Administration & Operations(Required)
Assist with administration and operations
Fee Structure
What type of fee structure interests you most
Please estimate how much of our time you believe you will need for administration and operations, on a monthly basis.


Describe the reason you are requesting a proposal. Are you unhappy with your current service provider? Is there a minority of owners that are causing difficulty for the majority? Is there one or more owners that make your general meetings drag on and end in screaming matches? Has a critical council member recently resigned leaving the remaining members unsure how to administer the strata corporation?

It is in our mutual best interest that you make us aware of the types of issues your community face and what has caused frustration in the past. Failure to disclose matters that will affected our relationship can result in an unexpected escalation of fees or cancellation of the contract if we learn that we cannot provide the services you need.

Records for Review

There are a number of records that we will need to review before providing a proposal. If you have already spoken with us and we indicated that it is likely we will offer our services to you, we ask that you email these records to the strata manager with whom you spoke as soon as practicable. Or, you may reply to the email confirmation you will receive after submitting this form and attach the requested records.
Records that can be shared
Please indicate which records your strata corporation has created and obtained. You will be asked to forward as many of these records as possible before we provide a formal proposal.
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