Ordering documents?
Ordering documents and records has never been easier than with eStrataHub. That’s why Inspire Property Management Ltd. processes all document and record requests through www.eStrataHub.com.
The process is simple:
- click here to go to eStrataHub.com
- select your method of payment.
- fill in your information and the information of your client.
- request the documents you want and the date you want them by.
If you have any questions about the process, please feel free to contact us:
Phone: 778-738-0234 Email: info@inspirepm.com.
Please note that tenants cannot currently order documents through eStrataHub. If you are a tenant in a strata corporation engaged by Inspire Property Management Ltd., please make your request in writing. If you are an owner and do not wish to order documents online, you may make you request in writing. Written requests for documents may be delivered:
Inspire Property Management Ltd.
P.O. Box 1060
Peachland, BC V0H 1X0
or use the form below to submit a request through this website.
Owner Document Request