Kelowna: (778) 738-0234 | Penticton: (778) 646-2106 | Peachland: (236) 579-4321 | Terrace: (778) 505-2093 | Kamloops: (778) 765-2298 | Vancouver: (604) 283-2707

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A copy of your form submission will be delivered to your strata manager by email.

In the meantime, see the below updates from our team…
Social gatherings banned in B.C., masks required indoors

Social gatherings banned in B.C., masks required indoors

Public health orders limiting social gatherings indoors are now extended across B.C., and masks are required in all indoor public and retail spaces after provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry announced a new slate of public health orders for the entire province Thursday.
The new health orders go into effect province-wide from Nov. 19 until Dec. 7 at midnight…

Career in Rental Property Management

Career in Rental Property Management

Not currently hiring. There is a strong and vibrant rental property market in the Okanagan. in October 2017, Kelowna had the lowest vacancy rate in the nation at 0.2%. Penticton has seen similarly strong demand for rental housing and had a vacancy rate of 0.9%. This...

$2,000 fines for hosts, promoters and organizers of large events

$2,000 fines for hosts, promoters and organizers of large events

The province says stricter enforcement is necessary because a small number of British Columbians have been disregarding public health measures and continue to participate in indoor and outdoor events that increase the risk of transmission of the disease. “We can’t let the bad decisions made by a few erode the progress that we have made together,”… [Continued]

Rent-Related Evictions during COVID-19

Rent-Related Evictions during COVID-19

on July 16, 2020, the provincial government released details of a repayment framework to be put in place later this summer. This framework is intended to assist tenants and landlords in anticipation of the ban on non-payment of rent-related evictions being lifted on September 1, 2020. Beginning September 1, 2020, tenants will be required to pay their monthly rent in full.

Insurance Crisis: First Steps

Insurance Crisis: First Steps

The BC Government announced today that they are taking the "first steps" needed to address the complex issues that have led to the current insurance crisis which is leaving many buildings uninsured or only insured after as much as an 800% increase. Changes proposed in...

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